Mulbah Consultancy

This website is operated by Mulbah Consultancy B.V. established in Rotterdam, hereinafter referred to as: ‘MC’.

This Privacy Statement applies to the following MC website:

MC may collect personal data about you when you visit this website, both directly (when we request data) and indirectly. MC will solely use this personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement and will make every effort to protect the personal data collected. This Privacy statement features information about the purpose MC is trying to serve when processing data in connection with this website, about the use of cookies and about the manner in which you may exercise your rights regarding your personal data.

This Privacy Statement does not apply to other websites that may be linked to this website. We recommend that visitors carefully read the privacy statements of each of these other websites before they provide any personal data.

By using this website, you agree to the use of your data as described in this Privacy Statement.

MC collects and processes data about clients and visitors of this website for its business operations and for developing web statistics. We also do this to draw attention and make products and services available which may be important to you.  The information you provide will be used to contact you, if necessary, for instance, to inform you about changes to the functionality of the website or to offer you services which you may appreciate (unless you have indicated that you do not wish to receive offers about products and/or services).

1. Processing personal data

If you use the MC website, it is possible that you will provide personal data on your own initiative, or you will need to provide personal data. MC processes this data:

  • in order to make this website available to its users as well as for purposes of registration with regard to certain parts of the website;
  • to make it possible to send you information on MC services by post or e-mail and to improve the services offered by MC both on the website and elsewhere;
  • in order to send you MC’s reference material, marketing material or other publications, whether by post or email;

As a rule, MC only collects the minimum amount of information required to fulfil your request. In cases where you are requested for compulsory information, this will be expressly stated on the web page concerned.

2. Recruitment

Since MC will also use its website as a recruitment tool in the future, you can send your CV to one of our employees when visiting the website. MC only uses the data that you send in this context for the following purposes:

  • for recruitment and selection purposes within MC;
  • for communication purposes, such as for arranging an appointment if MC wishes to invite  you for a preliminary interview or a job interview;
  • if your application is handled to assess your suitability for a role that is vacant or may become vacant;

MC will not ask you for demographic information such as your gender and profession, but you will be given the opportunity to provide this information if you apply online.

3. Cookies

We use small text files called cookies that are installed on your hard drive so that you are able to properly access our website. Most websites that you visit use cookies. If you do not want cookies placed on your hard drive, the majority of browsers offer the option to exclude the use of cookies. If you use this option, you may not be able to use the registration process on this website and you may possibly be unable to use certain functions on this website. If you allow our website to place cookies on your hard drive, you can remove these at the end of your visit to our website.

In order to effectively manage this website, MC may anonymously log data from operation systems, so that we can distinguish categories of visitors, based for instance on the domain type and internet browser used. This statistical data is passed in its entirety to MC’s webmasters. In this way, we can guarantee that your visit to this website is as smooth as possible and the efficiency of the website remains optimal.

4. Types of cookies

Session cookies: these cookies are placed on your computer’s hard drive and remain there during your visit to the website. These cookies are erased when you leave the website.

Persistent cookies: these cookies are placed on your computer’s hard drive and remain there during your visit to the website, but also after your visit to the website.

Performance cookies: these cookies collect information about your use of the website, such as the web pages you have visited and any error messages; these cookies do not collect information that can be traced back to an individual – the information collected from all users is merged and it is anonymous. This type of cookie is used to improve the functioning of the website.

Functionality cookies: these enable the website to record the choices you have made on the website, or ensure that special options are available (such as allow you to provide comments on the website or via a blog). By using this website, you agree to cookies being placed on the hard drive of your computer with the aforementioned purposes and durations.

5. Email

It is also possible to send email messages via the website. Messages sent this way contain your username and your email address as well as any additional information that you include in the message. If you send us a request or comments via email, it is possible that MC will process the aforementioned data in order to contact you, for instance, or respond to your email.

6. Special personal data

MC does not request special categories of personal data via the website, unless this is legally required for staff recruitment. Examples of special categories of personal data are data concerning race or ethnic group, political preference, faith or belief, membership of a trade union, physical or mental health, sexual preferences or criminal records. We recommend that you do not provide this type of special personal data. Nevertheless, should you wish to do so for whatever reason, we assume that you have given MC express permission to process this information and you will be requested to inform us of your consent by clicking on a button on the web page where you can leave this special personal data.

An IP address is a number allocated to your computer when you gain access to the internet. It enables computers and servers to recognize you and to communicate with other computers and servers. IP addresses from where visitors appear to originate may be recorded for IT security and diagnostic purposes. This information may also be used in an aggregated form for identifying trends in website usage and for carrying out performance analyses.

7. Publications

Although the majority of publications we offer are in the form of downloads, there is also the option to request MC publications online, by telephone or by post (order form). We ask you to provide ordering information to ensure that delivery and payment proceed as smoothly as possible.

8. Direct Marketing

Apart from mailing lists, for instance, which allow you to indicate whether you wish MC to send you specific marketing materials, other publications and/or information, MC is also able to use the personal data it receives from its website to support its direct marketing activities. If you do not wish to receive information about new services offered by MC which may be sent to you unsolicited, you can inform us when you provide your personal data or by responding to an email you receive from MC. MC will then block the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

9. Third parties

Your personal data will be handled confidentially by MC and will not be used for other purposes or provided to third parties, unless:

  • MC is under a legal obligation to do so;
  • you have expressly requested this;
  • this is required in order to send you publications, marketing material, reference material or other information;
  • you have registered for conferences and or events that are organized by third parties,

these third parties are other MC entities;

The MC website is not used to collect or compile personal data with the aim of distributing it externally, using it for sales activities and/or for providing mail-outs on behalf of third parties.

This Privacy Statement does not apply to third-party internet sites that are linked to this website. MC understands the importance of protecting the privacy of children, particularly in an online environment. Our sites are not intended for or targeted at children or young people under the age of 16. It is our policy to never knowingly or willingly collect or store information concerning persons under the age of 16 except if this forms part of a specific task within the context of our service provision.

10. Transfer to other MC’s partner entities

If you place data on the MC website, we will assume that you are giving MC express permission to share that information with MC partner entities that form part of the global Mulbah Consultancy network and you will be requested to inform us of your consent on the respective web pages by clicking a button on the web page on which you can leave this special personal data.

11. External links

MC has included links to third-party websites. If you go to another website via one of these links, you should be aware that MC’s Privacy Statement will no longer apply. It is possible that these third parties or other parties will collect information about you on these websites. MC is not responsible for the content of these websites, nor for the actions of these third parties and other parties. Therefore, we advise you to read the Privacy Statement of these websites before providing any personal data.

The MC site may contain functionality to enable visitors to share information via social media, including Facebook and Twitter. These social media applications may collect and use information about your usage of the MC website. Personal data that you share via social media applications may be used by other users of that social media application and this interaction is governed by the privacy policies of the respective social media applications. MC does not have any influence over those social media applications, nor is it responsible for them. Furthermore, the MC website may use blogs, forums, crowd sourcing or other applications and services. The objective of these applications and services is to facilitate contact and the sharing of knowledge. Personal data that you make available through these applications and services may be shared with other users of these applications and services, unless stated otherwise and we have little or no influence over this.

12. Storage of data

MC does not store your personal data for any longer than is necessary for the realization of the above objectives for the processing your personal data – unless this data is required to comply with a statutory retention duty – or until the retention period under the applicable rules of conduct and professional practice has elapsed if this is longer.

13. Access to the website

We have chosen not to oblige visitors to register on the MC website. However, you may be asked to register in order to receive a personalized user code and password, for instance, to obtain access to certain sections of the website or to gain access to certain transaction information, business information of a confidential nature or patented information.

14. Rights

You have the right to inspect your personal data that is processed by MC. You should go through the application or registration procedure once again to change, transfer or supplement your personal data. MC strives to make its website as accessible as possible, within reason, to enable you to identify and correct any inaccuracies. On request, MC will remove your personal data from its systems if possible.

MC accepts responsibility for the careful recording of any personal data that it stores after you have provided this data and it has been verified for accuracy. However, MC does not subsequently accept any responsibility for the updating of personal data that has been provided once. MC will, if possible, amend this data using the new data which we receive from you, the authorized visitor, after it has been brought to MC’s attention that certain items of personal data collected on the website are not correct.

15. Security

MC has implemented generally accepted technological procedures and security guidelines to avoid the loss, misuse, destruction, or unintentional amendment of personal data. All MC employees must observe the security regulations that apply across the organization. Only authorized MC employees may access personal data and these employees are under the obligation to safeguard the confidentiality of this information.

16. Questions

If you have any questions about your interaction with this website, about inspecting data or the correctness of information that you have previously provided to MC via the website or if you would like to request that we remove or transfer information, please contact MC by emailing to or by regular post: Mulbah Consultancy B.V., Thurledeweg 125, Postbus 8507, 3044 ER Rotterdam

If you do not wish to receive any marketing information from MC, you can also inform us of this by using the email address above.

If you have previously subscribed for newsletters via email and no longer wish to receive these, you should unsubscribe from each newsletter individually on the respective part of the site.

You have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) if you believe that the actions of MC give reason for such a complaint.

17. Amendments

MC retains the right to amend or adapt this Privacy Statement at all times. This Privacy Statement was last amended on the date shown above. In order to keep you up to date, we will announce any amendments to this Internet Privacy Statement in a prominent position on our website for at least two weeks.

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